Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tough Girl

"Vows made in storms,
are forgotten in calm." -- Thomas Fuller

Confession: I don't have much tolerance for babies... the actual child or adult kind. But when my girl dog turns it on, during the myriad of storms that the midwest tends to endure (see, I tend to have a soft spot. At least soft enough to take pictures of her meltdown while sitting in the laundry basket of Brett's closet!

The storm is upon us:
The storm has passed:
Meanwhile, the boy dog sleeps... like a dog: It's time for bed now:
We all try to help get Abby out of the closet (I hope she will always know we are an affirming household.):
This is gonna have to be a snatch and grab job:
Off to bed she goes... the storms have passed for petes sake:

(I'm sorry, I can't figure out how to turn the photo upright!)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Everything is Blooming Most Recklessly

Everything is blooming most recklessly;
if it were voices instead of colors,
there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night.
-- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke

Confession: I don't really like flowers. I'd take green trees and leafy plants any day over a flower... but there are exceptions. And today is one of those exceptions.

And I just couldn't resist: